Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 10, 2018

How To Create A Snapchat Account

How To Create A Snapchat Account

Snapchat allows you to take photos and send them quickly to your friends and family. Despite many limitations, it is favored by many users. Why is it so popular? Let’s install and create a Snapchat account to find your own answer.

To download Snapchat, go to Google Play Store via Android , go to App Store via iOS or click:

How to create a Snapchat account:

Following is the detailed instruction on creating a Snapchat account.

Step 1: Go to Snapchat, select Sign Up to create an account.

[caption id="attachment_1160" align="aligncenter" width="279"]Sign up create Snapchat account. Sign up create Snapchat account.[/caption]

Step 2: Enter your Gmail, password and your date of birth. Create Snapchat username

[gallery td_gallery_title_input="Create Snapchat " td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="1162,1159,1158"]


There is no character limit for Snapchat password. Snapchat password can contain one special character to improve the password strength, such as dash (-), underline (_), dot (.), number or capitalized letter.

Step 3: Enter your phone number and tap Skip. You should use your main phone number because Snapchat will synchronize your contact list, so that you can easily connect with friends using Snapchat.

[caption id="attachment_1163" align="aligncenter" width="224"]enter phone number for verification snapchat enter phone number for verification snapchat[/caption]

Step 4: Verification screen appears to verify whether you are human. Follow the request and tap Continue.

[caption id="attachment_1161" align="aligncenter" width="303"]Snapchat has a verification Snapchat has a verification[/caption]

Step 5: After finishing the registration, “Add friends” screen will appear to help you search friends.

This article “How To Create A Snapchat Account ” helps you create Snapchat account quickly. Enjoy the app with your friends! Snapchat will unceasingly improve to meet users’ needs. Subscribe us for more tech tips and news.

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